Saturday, May 06, 2006

You can't avoid art

I'm so lucky that the Martin Kippenberger exhibition is still on at Tate Modern. He's kind of all-rounded man, painting, sculpture, decoration, commercial or what. He somehow played with kitsch but never fall for it, that's the point. He died at 44, genius tends to die young (so cliche).

Nara Yoshitomo, like Kippenberger, likes to make his art on whatever paper, like that of hotel stationery. I never expect I'll see his art in London, but hey, in the tube tunnel ..


Vv said...

I like to visit Tate Modern as well. My art master!!

kittyshambles said...

vv don't play me la, who have studied painting? All I know is seeing art, listening to music, reading books without any talent to paint, play music and write any stuffI

Vv said...

TMK, u are back la, 時間過得真係快啦!!

kittyshambles said...
