Sunday, December 31, 2006

Look back in anger

2006, what a year! With disgust and a strong urge to escape.
Let me plagiarise some words from one of my favourite bloggers in his douban, "there is nothing worse than death, except to live". I feel it at heart.
To live, is to fulfil your obligations, or
in fact, living (survival/mere existence) is your primary obligation, albeit if there is any aim or meaning to it. I don't feel suicidal, any talk of suicide is old-fashioned and cliche nowadays. Asphyxiated? definitely. "Man was born free but was everywhere in chain". who said this? Rousseau or Voltaire? That is what I learnt in my a-level History class, I think it's true.

Well, i just want to write down my most favourite cds in 2006, but turn to be a paragraph of grumbling.

1. Funfairs & Heartbreak - Special Needs
This posthumous album of the Needs is what I need this year. A bunch of perfect pop songs, blue skies and winter gardens - that what makes me carry on, still humming "I'm not afraid, to fall and fall, I asked no miracles, at the curtain call".

2. I Killed the Zeitgeist - Nicky Wire
I maybe the only person who ranks this album so high. Misanthropist and withdrawn, this is Nicky, or this is me? "Do you know you could die from a broken heart?"

3. The Eraser - Thom Yorke
Another misanthropist and withdrawn person, so? thom yorke is always like my soulmate, knows exactly what i feel. "And this is fucked up, fucked up, this your blind spot, blind spot, it should be obvious, but it's not."

4. First Impressions of Earth - The Strokes
The first dark album i got from 2006, still lingers on my player.

5. Waterloo to Anywhere - Dirty Pretty Things
I actually do not know if I think this album is that good to be my no.5, but for my personal preference for mr barat... though he always remains his gentleman's silence, i think mr. barat is quite bitchy is this album, maybe that's the reason I love it.

6. The Freedom Spark - Larrikin Love
Don't need to say much about this album, the title speaks it all. Think all the caged soul like me love this album dearly. "It's time we told the story of how the soul grows old, and how a young boy grows up in a world that's cold".

7. The Great Western - James Dean Bradfield
Yes, I love James, everyone knows.

8. We Are the Pipettes - The Pipettes
They are hyped up, untalented, dress in ridiculous polka dot...but they are fabulous. This album is kind of illumination to my boring life, how i danced in my mind when i was just jam-packed in the train and listened to Pull Shape.

9. The Secret of the Loveninjas - Loveninjas
I must have missed so much good stuff for the swedish pop music. Actually I love their EPs more, but this album is not bad, sweet and pop, thanks to Labrador.

10. Jarvis - Jarvis Cocker or
Ringleader of The Tormentors - Morrissey
Oh I can't decide.

If Bumfest sessions of Babyshambles is an official release album, of course it must be at a very top ranking... and if The Blinding is not an ep, maybe i will place it somewhere within my top 10, but.. I really hate to listen the new I Love You But You're Green.


Anonymous said...

Don't look back in anger - Oasis

kittyshambles said...

yeah, "but don't look back in anger, i heard u say"
..hmm, but Bowie does has a song called Look Back In Anger

Anonymous said...

向來我都不寫自己每年的所謂年度榜單, 因為一直都習慣一堆新歌與舊歌混著一起聽(我想很多人一定跟我一樣), 所以實在很難選擇出到底最喜歡的排行榜到底是哪些, 不過看完妳的榜單, 突然很想胡亂說說我的2006 non-album top 5:

01.Carry on up the morning / Unstookietitled / Cuckoo 1440 / A fool there was - Peter Doherty

看到名字應該就不用多做解釋了 :p
[Stookie + Jim - BumFest Demos] 雖然是11月中才聽到的session, 不過在我的itunes播放次數瞬間理所當然地竄升至第一名, 從acoustic alullaby開始, 我就偏愛所所有有peter的acoustic session, 勝過所有他的單曲與專輯...

02.One To My Left / Wondering (Tavern Version) - Dirty Pretty Things

我喜愛這兩首歌的程度遠遠勝過dpt專輯內的任何一首歌, One To My Left竟然只是b-side, 實在是太可惜了! 不過, 因為 1)在今年野台遇到時的親身經歷, 加上 2)超級可愛的wondering mv, 還有 3)許多電視訪問的爆笑演出(The Russell Brand Show是最好例證), 2006年讓我對carl完全改觀 -- i love rubbish!carl, hahaha... *cough*

03.I'll Try Anything Once ("You Only Live Once" Demo) - The Strokes

雖然strokes在nme的訪問總是很搞笑, 但不知道為什麼, 聽音樂的時候總覺得julian是個不快樂的人吧, 這首demo應該最貼近我對他的想像: 默默躲藏在房間的男孩, 帶著頹廢與慵懶的聲調...

04.Left / End - Hope Of The States

因為libs而在日本順帶看到現場表演的Hope Of The States, 意外地突然在去年宣佈解散, 其實是令我淡淡傷心的, 或許因為每當聽起他們的歌也會想起當年的記憶吧, 竟然兩個團就都這樣散了... "left"作為他們的專輯名稱, 是否已經是一種預示了呢? 更何況, 最後一張單曲的最後一首b-side, 就叫做end, 而那張單曲, 是在妳陪我逛中環hmv時終於買到的...

05.可能性 / 被溺愛的渴望 - echo

本來覺得第五名實在很難選, 因為除了前四名之外, 其他所有喜歡的歌都等於是第五名, 因為都很喜歡, 已經沒有什麼排名問題了. 不過在那些之中還是有一個對我有特別重要意義的, 就是echo. 2006年中之後我不再有時間協助他們的相關事務, 而他們卻更為加倍的繼續努力著. 每當我聽起這些歌, 仍然非常懷念一起巡迴的那些時光...

kittyshambles said...

Yes, Bumfest sessions are just ace, Peter always wins hands down by his acoustic guitar.

Carl is getting gayer and gayer, i'm serious.

... Where can I find I'll Try Anything Once? Is it a b-side?