Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I want to die ah!

Work sucks!!!! I stayed in the office till 10:30 p.m. last night but still I couldn't finish my work. Legal division has only me to deal with the whole group and this firm has numerous disputes and litigations and agreements! Many lame people here, waiting for you to approve everything, to discuss every triviality through meeting (a total waste of time) or even ask you to make the enquiry to someone else for them (why don't they ask that particular person directly?), not that they're so idiotic that they can't do it themselves, but they want to pull you into the net and share the liability if the things don't work out. The big boss is very fastidious and perfectionist, you know I can't blame her as it's her virtue but I'm such a clumsy and careless person, my work never satisfy her!!!!

No fun in life
I want to die
or I want to cry
Give me crack or white line >_<


Anonymous said...

Hey, who is the BIG BOSS???? Pretty Lady!!!!...Well, I guess I know who she is!!!! Heeheehehehehehe....

Ms. K seems never ending, but you do have to take good care of yourself.....

For me, I want to estabish my own buz....if I can.....still thinking about that.....

Anonymous said...

Poor To Ming,

It's not your mistake
Why don't you take a break
Or even escape......
The world is big and
You are classic
Go go go to give your boss a side kick
By then you will forget your headache and
Give me six!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed with are great enough to find another f**king JOB....why stay here for 3 years, after 3 years, and after 3 years....then....more than 10 get the f**king Long Services Reward......

kittyshambles said...

wow, VV, I like your verse, more please!!!!

kittyshambles said...

wow, I won't be here 3 years after 3 years after ... N years. If I don't commit suicide by that time, I'll probably live in lunatic house or sleep in a drug den.

Anonymous said...

"No fun in life
I want to die
or I want to cry
Give me crack or white line" >_<

woo.... great verse, it's only english master can do.......

cry is ok, but not die.... so do you need my shoulder??