Thursday, February 28, 2008

Good surprise

Cable have closed down most of its mtv channels with the exception of my most least favourite one - mtv china (you can tell the kind of mv just by the name of it). Last night there was serendipity, there was one whole hour of those "thom yorke home recording" of the songs of in rainbows. Though we probably have already watched it online, it's great to watch the clips again on big TV screen. So there will be dvd soon?


Anonymous said...


kittyshambles said...

and the price is determined by customers, so literally you may just pay $0.1 to get a copy of their download, having said that, their new album has already been physically released. Get one! It's really good!!! (or you may ignore me for my blind loyalty) btw, do u reckon recently ur current home canada got many brilliant bands/singer-songwriters, you should have many chance to see them!

Anonymous said...

其實一直都有好多好的Canadian bands/singers, 只是能走出本土被外地認同的相比之下就少咯。 可能加拿大的氣氛令到那些音樂人比較易知足, 有好多賺到夠食夠住就算, 唔願意高調promote 自己或唔aggressive。 Yes, there are a lot of gigs / concerts / shows etc. 前陣子想去睇The police, Avril Lavigne, Killers, 到最近的spice girls, 但係我沒有時間去睇.....連電影都無時間睇呀 ! :(

kittyshambles said...
