Monday, December 10, 2018

344th of January (google told me)

I just found out that today my Google homepage looks like this :

isn't it  sweet? For an old and lonely person like me, this is really a sweet surprise, but this so-called comfort of stranger is actually not even from a stranger, it's not from a person, just your own personal data got handled by a big corporation / system, or I should better think about how they obtain my information, and how they will manage it.  I sound so boring, ruined the little heart-felt tenderness offered to me, I admit I got haunted by my work that my brain is full of rules and regulations and no verse and prose allowed.

Today I actually intended to take some pictures during my busy lunch hour, to produce some memories for today, but all I found in my usual wandering path - bleak, withered, grotesque images, not that great for today memories, (or such realism that I don't need, I got too much).

"last year is dead, they seem to say
begin afresh, afresh, afresh."

they look like me, strange, just hang on to yourself.