Monday, November 07, 2005

Attack! Attack! Attack!

Flu Attack! Help!!!
Need to sleep early tonight (though it's already 12:30am, still early for me). Need some good hot spicy Thai food to wake up my senses. Need beer to cool down. Need whisky to warm up. Need Lemsip (yeah, "Lemsip is the best", paul the poet said. We must believe in poet).
Hope I feel better tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

take care and wish u better soon
btw, what's lemsip? can't find it in the dictionary!!!

kittyshambles said...

Lemsip is the little sachet which pour with hot water, good for cold and flu. That is a good medicine for flu when I was in UK (but now I can find it in HK). Lemsip left an extra-ordinary sweet memory to me 'cause once I was in an unusual event and there was a strange guy Paul (he claimed himself to be a poet and his work was better than my beloved idol) he suddenly took out a pack of Lemsip and poured down the whole sachet without any water, saying "Lemsip is the best", haha, poet all time high, I should go to Islington.

Anonymous said...

are you better now? Take care please kitty!
I think it should be minor illness.
Recently, I have a feeling that I can easily get sick whenever I get frustration in life in spite of my precautions taken to resist. What do you feel?

kittyshambles said...

Sleepless, sweet dream tonight, kissy kissy.
Frustration is no stranger to me. I don't think there is any precaution to avoid frustration. I tend to numb myself (yeah, kitty kept sedated), maybe by means of music, or by means of ...

Anonymous said...

Mix hot water with lemon juice, honey, and paracetamol - just as good as lemsip.

Anonymous said...

after a week la, recover??

so r u OK now??

kittyshambles said...

wow thank you for so many kind souls, i'm alright now (save and except for my heavy hangover on monday, should avoid alcohol for a while)